sreda, 24. januar 2007

AUTOCAD 2006 nastavitve

Tukaj so zbrane vse nastavitve, ki jih uporabnik običajno rabi pri uporabi autocada:


  • MAPSKINMAP - vklopi ali izklopi novo podobo okna
  • menu -zažene menu ukaz, da dodaš menuje
  • DTEXTED - popravljanje teksta z DDEDIT (ALI HOČEŠ okenček ali ne da se pojavi) To get the dialog box using ddedit you need to change DTEXTED system variable to 1, this will bring up the dialog box.
  • options/selections/associative hatch - če je vklopljen se hatch za eno stopnjo premika več, če je izklopljen dela normalno
  • FILEDIA - se okna normalno ne odpre (open file), temveč hoče celotno pot do fila
  • TEXTFILL - Controls the filling of TrueType fonts while plotting and rendering - zapolni ariel črke
  • QTEXTMODE - Controls how text is displayed
  • LWDISPLAY - Controls whether the lineweight is displayed
  • FILLMODE - Specifies whether hatches and fills, two-dimensional solids, and wide polylines are filled in
  • REGEN - Regenerates the entire drawing from the current viewport
  • LWEIGHT - Sets the current lineweight, lineweight display options, and lineweight units
  • FILL - Controls the filling of objects such as hatches, two-dimensional solids, and wide polylines
  • DSETTINGS - Specifies settings for Snap mode, grid, polar and object snap tracking, and Dynamic Input
  • inputhistorymode - desni klik na miški

Enter a sum of one or more of the following values:
0. No history of recent input is displayed.
1. History of recent input is displayed at the command line with access through Up
and Down Arrow
2. History of recent input for the current command is displayed in the shortcut menu.
4. History of recent input for all commands in the current session is displayed in the shortcut menu.
8. Markers for recent input of point locations are displayed in the drawing.
The default value is 15. 3. (Optional) At the Command prompt, enter cmdinputhistorymax.

  • BATTMAN - sinhronizira popravljeni blok
  • IMAGEFRAME - na 2 - ne plota okvirje in se jih vidi
  • VISRETAIN - sinhronizira layerje z xrefom
0 – vse se louda iz xrefa spremema layerja v trenutni risbi se ponovno pobere iz xrefa
1 – ostanejo nastavitve iz risbe, čeprav si xref spremenil
  • XCLIPFRAME - vidnost clipanega območja (0 - ne viden rob, 1 - viden)
  • ZOOMFACTOR - faktor koraka miške
  • \U+2030 - promil v true type fontih
  • %%Utext - podčrta tekst
  • LIST-li - lastnosti objekta
  • ALIGN - skaniranje objekta glede na drug objekt (stičišče)
  • SPLFRAME - prikaže bloke, pol uporabi REGEN
  • FULLSCREEN - on ali off
  • MIRRTEXT - kako naj zrcali tekst

    kratke crtice For polylines, you can specify whether a linetype pattern is centered on each segment or is continuous across vertices throughout the entire length of the polyline. You do this by setting thePLINEGEN system variable

    0 -.-.-.- 1 - - če ni placa

  • qTEXT - pravokotniki namesto texta

  • MBUTTONPAN - če češ imet sredjni gumb na miški zoom ali ne
  • LINETYPES_PSLTSCALE - Setting the scale of linetypes in layouts
  • FILEDIA - 1 so bo okno Open odprlo, če je 0 bo v commandni vrstici hotelo odpreti
  • MAP/IMAGE/OPTION - Shift+Left Click Image - Če je obkljukan ta ukaz se nikakor noče upoštevati shift pri selectiranju objektov
  • MINSERT - za zaklepanje risb (deluje le za neumne - vrtic in stolpcev daj čim več)


  • TEXT STYLE - Arial narrow bold - ali Swis721 CN BT
  • attedit - dostop do podatkov blokov, ki niso bloki
  • link do weba:

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