petek, 16. maj 2008

urejanje xref okna v autocadu 2008

  • Tips for editing in the palette:
    • In the details section a white background means you can edit the field
    • Clicking out away from a field will apply, or save, your edit. There is no save button as it’s not needed.

Unreferenced: This image shows a ! as the both path is lost and the image reference in the file has been deleted.


You can fix the missing path and re-attach the image from the palette.

  • To fix the path click into Found At and the “” button allows you to browse to the file.


  • When you click away from this field the path is saved – no need to click a save button like the old dialog.


  • You can then attach the missing image.


Change Path: This shows an Xref with a found and saved path.


If incorrect you update the saved path by editing the Found At path as below.


The Found At path is grey-ed out?

This indicates a Nested Reference (1), you’d have to fix the path in the parent file.

Click Acad2007-xrefpal05-nestedtree see the Tree View.


staro Xref in image okno v autocadu 2008

vtipkaj v komandno vrstico

CLASSICXREF for the old Xref Manager


CLASSICIMAGE for the old Image Manager


ponedeljek, 24. september 2007

petek, 6. april 2007

bljižnice za tekst

The Euro znak:
ALT key and enter 0128 on the numeric keypad.

Draws character number nnn.

You can use these control codes with standard AutoCAD text fonts only:

%%o nacrta tekst
%%u podcrta tekst
%%d narise stopinje
%%p Draws plus/minus tolerance symbol (±).
%%c nariše circle diameter dimensioning symbol (ý).
%%% Draws a single percent sign (%).

v sample risbi (truetype.dwg) so prikazani vsi karakterni znaki za posamezen font

The Euro SymbolYou can use the euro symbol with .shx fonts and their TrueType equivalent fonts shipped with AutoCAD 2000 and later releases. If your keyboard does not contain a euro symbol, hold down the ALT key and enter 0128 on the numeric keypad.

Autocad 2008 novosti in problemi

bliža se prihod autocada 2008 polno je novosti najbolj zanimivi linki:

četrtek, 5. april 2007

Hot tips

TIPS for the week of March 29, 2007

Empty out empty fields

Empty fields in AutoCAD (2005+) are indicated by dashes (---). Autodesk offers two suggestions on how to make empty fields without the dashes. The first is to add a custom property and use the spacebar to enter several spaces in the Value field. Then select the new property (under Document in the Field Category list) and make it a field. The drawback to setting the value to a blank space is that the field will not be visible and you won’t be able to select it until it’s repopulated. The second approach is to use a dot for the empty value.


Breaking up is hard to do

To break an object without creating a gap, start the Break command and specify both break points at the same location. Do this by entering @0,0 at the prompt for the second point. If you just enter @, AutoCAD automatically uses @0,0 or @0,0,0.


More shorthand

If you can’t remember the exact name of a command, but know how it starts, enter what you know at the command prompt. Press the Tab key, and AutoCAD cycles through all commands that begin with the letters you entered.


Find that file

Locked out of a file you need to open? Use the Whohas command. Type Whohas at the command prompt, then select the file in the Select Drawing to Query dialog box that appears. AutoCAD displays the current user’s compute rname, login ID, full name (if available), and the date and time the file was opened. Note: Whohas originated as an Express Tool. If you’re using the Express Tool version (pre-AutoCAD 2000, as far as I can tell), it needs to be loaded and running on all systems with access to your AutoCAD files for it to work.


Pluses and minuses

Here’s a tip that was brought to my attention years ago by Samer Joudi, a GIS expert with the municipality of Dubai:

AutoCAD 2000 added the ability to precede many commands with a hyphen (-) to make them run from the command line, not through their dialog box (a feature particularly helpful to programmers and those familiar with the prompt sequences). Examples include:


You can also precede some commands with a plus sign (+). When you do so, AutoCAD prompts for the number of the tab to make active, then displays the dialog box open to your desired tab. Note: The first tab is 0. Some commands this works with are:


Use this feature to fine-tune menu options. AutoCAD’s Named UCS command, for example, uses it as follows:

^C^C_+ucsman 0

sreda, 7. marec 2007


Tukaj mi lahko zastavljaš vprašanja